Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Good artists copy, great artists steal"

What is imagination/creativity?

To me, creativity is more than just 10 letters. Creativity is about creating new and unique ideas and having fun with them. It is also about seeing something that doesn't exist already and then finding out how to bring it to life and then let people know about it. Being creative also involves seeing how some things fall short and then coming up with new ideas to make it better. No ideas now are thoroughly owned by a single person. Ideas are now of a copy or it is 'stolen' and then changed a little or made better. Therefore, creativity to me is all about problem solving. Looking for better and brighter solutions to solve a problem and make it better which at the same time, coming up with something that doesn't exist already yet.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Draw an image that represents you...
And so, I drew faces of kittens with different expressions. These kittens are symbolic and not a literal representation of myself. I love kittens but I'm scared of cats. I guess I'll never ever own a kitten in fear that they'll grow into a cat in future. Different expressions on the cats show how hard it is for me to express my own emotions and let people know how I really feel. At most times my emotions do not match my expressions e.g. when I'm upset I might or might not show it.

50 uses of a hand phone -
was an exercise we did during class that lead us to think creatively. I tried to scroll down the list of applications in my iPod touch in hope of coming up with more answers for the test itself before the lecturer asked us not to and instead, come up with something out of the box, like a 'bait', 'accessory' or a 'ruler'.

9 dot puzzle -

This puzzle's main goal is to lead us to think creatively, differently and out of the box. To think out of the box meant thinking the not obvious and beyond that.

'The puzzle only seems difficult because we imagine a boundary around the edge of the dot array.'

Monday, October 25, 2010


I love waffles. Pancakes rank behind waffles. Nice to meet you